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Tuesday 12 October 2010

At the meeting of the So'ton Area Talking Echo editors, the inclusion of short stories in the magazine editions was again discussed.  They are keen to try this out, and I have asked Writing Buddies if they have any 500-800 stories they'd be willing to offer.  So far two have provided a story (one already broadcast), and I have given two of mine.  Really hope Buddies are able to help with this.

Since last time, we have eaten at the South Garden Chinese, Giddy Bridge, Coriander Lounge Indian, The Star at East Tytherley (highly recommended though not much for vegetarians), and the Moby Dick F&C restaurant in Shirley.  All really enjoyable.

Culture-wise, we saw The Song of the Goat's production of Macbeth at The Point, Eastleigh - a weird, 65-min presentation from this Polish company with a stringed-instrument player, modern dance moves, chanting, skilful choreography, and of course high drama.  Enjoyed very much, though the music sometimes drowned out the words, and some of the voices were very quiet.  Interesting interpretation. Two films - The Social Network (about creation of Facebook and surrounding aggro), good but sound quality uncertain, and Inception - high action crashes, huge explosions, death and destruction, but based on the premise that you can manipulate dreams on various levels.  Very weird, and long (2h22m), and not my usual kind of film, but engaging in its way and some interesting ideas to debate afterwards.  Looking forward to seeing Made in Dagenham, and also Rich Hall live in late November.  Living, or what?

Now have three articles pitched at different magazines, but thinking of entering more writing competitions.  Wake up in the night thinking about various writing projects.  Bug well and truly caught.

May get to the Gauguin exhibition in London, and hoping to meet the family soon for lunch at Zilli Green, Aldo Zilli's vegetarian restaurant in Soho.

Tip of the day: the only cashpoint I know of that dispenses fivers is the farthest machine in the dedicated foyer at Lloyds in Southampton High Street.

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