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Friday 28 May 2010

A few tense moments since last blog.  Our cat Minnie, seventeen but usually cheerful and sprightly, started to wail if handled, and was barely eating.  Fearing the worst, we took her to the vet; he said no 'lumps', but had her in for a day's testing.  It was a fretful time, but a full X-ray showed no problems, and the blood test was "OK for her age".  He thought a pulled muscle. We were given anti-inflammatory medication for her, and she soon perked up and started eating again.  Naturally for the time being she can get away with anything.

On the writing front, I have now published four articles on - all are about child development and parenting.  I am going to try a couple of my recipes on the site, complete with my own pictures.

For John's birthday I took him to Chichester on the train.  We visited the cathedral, then had lunch, followed by the matinee of Bingo at the Minerva Theatre, starring Patrick Stewart.  It's about the last weeks of Shakespeare's life (still don't know why the title).  Really enjoyable.

We've also had the first birthday party of Southampton Writing Buddies - a short working meeting then wine and cake and the odd speech.  I have planned my entries for our anthology competition, and hope to submit by late June.  I've also submitted an article to Saga Magazine; they invited it but said most of their features are done in-house.  Got to try, though.

Lovely day visit by our son and his family.  The girls were on very good form; they all took us out to lunch at Prezzo, then we spent the afternoon in the garden eating my home-made lemon polenta cake while the girls played at running a cafe so we all had to order from their menu.  I won't say what was actually served up on the toy tea set, but catmint leaves were present.

Thought for the day - they say you should try walking a mile in someone else's shoes.  This sounds like a good idea - at the end of it you are well away from them and have also won their shoes.

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